Liste non exhaustive des changement à venir:
- Fire effects improved for aircraft and ground vehicles, more dynamic and detailed;
- Fuel leak effects improved (less noticeable, but more realistic);
- Damaged engine exhaust effects improved (less noticeable, but more realistic);
- Tracer smoke effects improved (more smooth and realistic);
- Wingtip trails effects improved (more dynamic, less apparent beginning);
- Water hit effects improved (more realistic);
- Aircraft and vehicle hit effects improved (more difference between AP and HE ammo, more realistic, added debris);
- Bomb detonation effects improved for 250kg + bombs, additional flash effect;
- Water steam effects added for twin water radiator aircraft (Bf-109, Ju-87, Spitfire Mk.IXe, Pe-2);
- Water steam overheating effects added;
- Wrong mixture exhaust effects added;
- Wood hit effects added for WWI aircraft;
- Gunfire smoke effects added;
- Oil leak effect adjusted;
- Fuel leak effect on the ground added;
- Water steam effect on the ground added.
Pour finir les premiers screens texturés extérieur du Me 262
Ainsi que ceux de l’intérieur du cockpit du P-47
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