DCS: F-16C-Sortie anticipée le 03 Octobre 2019

DCS: F-16C-Sortie anticipée le 03 Octobre 2019

Le module F-16C sera disponible dés demain en version « Early Acces « 

Apres la fronde des simers sur la mise en stand-by temporaire  du F/A-18 pour finaliser la sortie en EA du F-16C il est temps pour ED de livrer ce module annoncé comme majeur !
Mais cette fois il faudra soutenir la comparaison face à BMS, un début de réponse demain !!!

 Au programme des fonctionnalités présentes selon Wags:

1- We have Range While Search (RWS) and Single Target Track (STT) working, but work continues the SAM sub-mode and we are cleaning up symbology and functions. We are working on Track While Scan (TWS) mode in parallel with the Hornet, so this will come shortly after release.
2- AA Gun, AIM-9, and AIM-120 are up and running, but several items to still tune and add. Mostly the Dynamic Launch Zones (DLZ) and a few more minor items.
3- The Litening targeting pod is in and working, even for LGB self-designation. There are several items to still fix and add. Related, the DED laser page for the pod is now working. Please note that the LGB bomb laser code cannot be set in the aircraft.
4- Instrument Landing System (ILS) is in, but we still need to set up the needles. It’s close and I’ll create a video for it soon.
5- Tomorrow we should have the underside of the aircraft done with completed textures. With that, Cato will create the launch trailer.
6- The cockpit is more fleshed out with the Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) sensor post, some improved seat textures, a better effect for the LCD display, and we removed the safety pin from the manual chute handle.
7- The Early Access Guide is shaping up well and will be available at release. Bunyap has done a great job with it.
8- Several interactive training missions will be available at release.
9- Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) radar modes are in, but we just need to update the HUD.
10- Dogfight switch is underway now and associated after and forward (MRM) functions.
12- We plan to have an initial IFF system but have not settled on the exact mechanization.
13- Helmet Mounted Cueing System (HMCS) is working in NAV mode.
14- Cockpit night lighting has been further improved with gauge lighting. We want to tune the flood lights a bit more though.
15- The centerline fuel tank will be ready this week.
16- Initial Countermeasurs Dispenser System (CMDS) and Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) is functional. Four programs for chaff and flares and the RWR will be set up for the ALR-56M.
17- Cold start is working now, but we are adjusting some of the electrical panel sub-systems so the act correctly during cold start. Some of the instrument values are a bit off too, and we are working to adjust them.
18- Flight path marker (FPM) drift cut off was added.

– Wags

Pour bosser le manuel un peu en avance : ICI

Une salle dédiée au F-16c sera ouverte dés demain sur le Forums C6 
Et une preview sera publiée dés que nous arriverons a avoir une version presse.

Les dernières vidéos de Wags :

  1. Boughazi
    03/10/2019 at 00:03 Reply

    Super mais déjà le,prix sur Steam pendant un court temps est à 58$ alors que sur le site de DCS il est a 68$ ????
    Sinon très bonne sortie que ce F16C Black sur DCS avec en prime la VR disponible yeahhh 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😎😎
    Bon la guerre DCS /Falcon 4 Bms =F16C vas commencer lol en comparatif 😎😎

  2. Serpentaire
    16/10/2019 at 21:51 Reply

    Pour ceux qui ont acheté en prévente, comment le récupère t’on l’EARLY ACCES SVP ?

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