Le patch nous offre enfin le TWS au F/A-18C (seulement disponible sur l’Open Beta) …
Trés gros patch (attendu) ce soir pour le F/a-18 mais pas que :
Au menu !!!
Nouveau cockpit pour le A-10C
Grosse mise à jour de la map Normandy
Mode TWS pour le F/A-18c
Et plein de bonnes choses à découvrir ci-dessous.
(Maj) : quelques bugs commencent à remonter sur le forums ED, donc pas de panique.
DCS World core :
- China Asset Pack: added ZTZ-96B
- No active AI reaction for broken lock with fox 3 – fixed.Voice chat. Client in the default configuration can connect to a non-standard server port.
- Voice chat. Problem when server with UPnP can not see other clients in voice chat is fixed.
- Voice chat. Connect to local Voice chat server via localhost, not the external IP.
- Voice chat panel. Added Illumination of the PTT button while transmitting.
- MP. Check for second instance BEFORE creating the logs.
- Fixed helicopters slide off the deck of moving ships.
- AI Spitfire erratic behaviour fixed.
- AI UH-1 gunner. Attack enemy helicopters restored.
- Dedicated server. Added the ability to take a screenshot of any player’s DCS window.
F/A-18C :
- Added TWS radar mode.
- F18 REDFOR (US Aggressors + NATO) will be able to use GPS.
- Fixed significant performance drop on SA page with big amount of contacts.
- JDAM/JSOW STEP Logic changed
- JDAM/JSOW Power Logic changed
- Fixed JSOW not releasing from stations 7-8
- Fixed several AA radar mode issues.
- Reworked AA modes transition logic.
- Corrected target designation logic via undesignate button.
F-16 :
- Added ability to change bombs laser code on ground (like in F-5).
- Internal lights are creating triangle shadows in the cockpit – fixed.
- Fixed AIM-9 COOL at DGFT mode.
- Fixed sidewinder sound when not selected.
- Added wing flex. (WIP)
- Fixed significant performance drop on datalink/FCR pages with big amount of contacts.
- Added steerpoints modes for Autopilot.
- Fixed missile Tone with Guns selected.
- Fixed radar strobe on HSD does not mimicking horizontal motion of strobe on radar page.
- MAG VAR will now switch between AUT and MAN by use of the SEQ position of DCS switch.
- Fixed FUEL QTY SEL knob behavior with left mouse click action.
- Corrected right brake braking power.
- Gun can no longer be fired on the ground.
- Fixed pylon selection staying on an empty space after last missile was released
F-14B :
- Added JF-17 VID/ recognition callouts for JESTER
- Added JF-17 to the RWR threat library as ’17’
- Added all variants of Tornado to the RWR threat library as ‘TO’
- Added utility kneeboard charts for radar elevation
- Added utility kneeboard charts for scan bars
- Updated both versions of Cage the Bear Campaign. Thank you Kaba!
- Fixed Jester Navgrid Reference manual entry being stuck after first use
- Possible fix for idle lockup RPM bug
- Tweaked damage probabilities for the engine (the engine will take damage more consistently from direct missile hits to the aircraft)
- Adjusted damage thresholds for aerodynamics/structures (the airframe, structure and flight surfaces will take damage more consistently from direct missile hits to the aircraft)
- Tuned AB thrust for top speeds after stores drag improvements
- Further increased full flap drag when deployed above 275 KIAS
JF-17 (gros changelogs)
- Fixed one critical and some potential bugs that caused ctd
- Fixed ctd caused by LD10 destroying rwr emitter
- Fixed FPS drop caused by HSD wpt render
- Fixed warning panel light adjustment problems
- Fixed timeless BIT of WMD7 after Cold Start
AJS-37 Viggen:
- NEW!: Added “Wrath of Thunder” (Caucasus) Campaign
- Climb back into the cockpit, directly following the events that happened in « The Mjolnir Response ». Help to end the war in Georgia. Enjoy!
- NEW!: Added Pilot Body in Cockpit + associated keybinds
- NEW!: Added Ram Air Turbine (RAT) visuals. The RAT will deploy with weight on the front wheel.
- NEW!: Added Radar Night Filter (not clickable yet)
- Minor tweaks to cockpit graphics.
- Fix to TILS station being on the wrong end of a runway when landing in the opposite direction
- Fix for afterburner not relighting after high alt flame-out
- Increased max cockpit FoV
- Sight ballistics improved for LD-bombs (tossing)
- Fixed IRRB FRAMSTEGN (Sidewinder missile step)
- Corrected issue where inputting wrong wind data would increase Bk90 accuracy
- Removed various assertion-errors, especially associated with low-drag bombing
- JDAMs Enabled
- Fuel Flow modelling improved
- Added realistic engine sound, though it’s still much WIP yet, especially cockpit sound. Expect further improvements in subsequent updates.
- Fixed the bug that caused total loss of electrical power when both batteries and bus tie were disconnected. Now the secondary bus still works, as it should (and the essential bus if essential transfer is engaged).
- Fixed several other electrical system issues.
- Updated Caucasus hard mission and added Caucasus extremely hard mission: Using anti-ice system will now prevent ice accretion in hard mission, while it will still be a problem in extremely hard mission since it takes place in stormy weather.
DCS Normandy 1944 map
Textures massive update for fields, cities and towns, villages, airfields
Added four new regions in France that includes:
– Cana district
– Quarantine estuary
– Coasts north of the Utah landing zone
– The Mont Saint-Michel area
DCS Campaigns
Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
– Voice overs updated – Al Deere has a Kiwi accent now.
– Triggered explosions and fire effects added to make bombing raids more dramatic.
– Mission 6 – Typhoon leader returns to base properly.
– Mission 12 – clock position in voice over corrected.
– Mission 10, 12 – added more targets of opportunity.
Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
– Some RTB speeds corrected.
– More airfield ambiance objects added.
– Mission 8: D-day landings made more realistic / dramatic.
– Mission 8-9: ROE of enemy planes change based on the player’s altitude.
– Mission 10: surprise opponent added.
– Triggered explosions and fire effects added to make bombing raids more dramatic.
P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
– Triggered explosions and fire effects added to make bombing raids more dramatic.
– Mission 10, 12 – added more targets of opportunity.
M-2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
– M06: fixed an issue with other flights in the package (including the wingman) refusing to taxi.
Su-27 The Ultimate Argument:
– Mission 11 – added AWACS.
Problèmes connus
Normandy update. Texture glitches in autumn and spring seasons on the 6 new airfields.
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